Do you LOVE coffee?

Not just the quick hit of caffeine, though. Not just the morning ritual. I mean, do you really love coffee? Do you know (and care) where your beans are grown? Do you know the difference between a French roast and an Italian roast? Can you distinguish the flavor of freshly ground coffee from the stuff that was packaged months ago at a factory? Can you tell if it was ground yesterday, instead of today? Is your first sip of coffee a truly sacred moment? Yes? Then welcome home to Mountain Sky Coffee!

Mountain Sky is an artisan coffee-roasting company with a singular mission: to bring you the best coffee you’ve ever tasted.

This means more than just coffee that is organic, ethically sourced, and freshly roasted. To us, those are just the basics.

Some interesting facts about coffee:

  • Coffee has many health benefits, mainly derived from its high levels of anti-oxidants and primary polyphenols, which protect our cells from free-radical damage.

  • Different coffee beans have different flavors, which show up in different ways depending on roasting style.

  • Coffee tastes very different when it’s freshly roasted than even a few days later.

  • However, coffee loses both its health benefits and its flavor nuances around two weeks after the roasting process.

  • Numerous studies have shown that people who drink coffee live longer and have lower rates of death from all causes. Yes, all causes.

  • Non-organic coffee is one of the most pesticide-laden crops in the world—meaning that most grocery-store shelves are full of toxic coffee. Choosing organic coffee is essential if you want your coffee to make you healthy instead of sick.

At Mountain Sky Coffee, we are dedicated to making sure that your daily cup is the best it can possibly be.

We believe in crossing the line between “excellent” and “perfect”—and “perfect” is our standard. We’ll go above and beyond to make sure that’s exactly what you get.